Burp cloths are a necessity when the baby is on the scene! I know years ago we used towels, flannels diapers, old rags and anything we can get our hands on to burp baby. As they say "necessity was the mother of invention". OMG I think I just aged myself but be assured I am one active, happening Grammie!! Why not use beautiful fabric now? As most sewists' and quilters know, there is so much beautiful cotton fabric out there. Also, if you are giving someone a baby gift, why not make it pretty with gorgeous fabric and make it so it suits it's purpose? These shoulder burp cloths do just that as they have a cut out contour designed for the shoulder so that it sits nicely while holding baby. My oldest daughter Katie and new mommy to Eli is the model for my shoulder burp cloths below: The Shoulder Burp ClothTutorial to Make Shoulder Burp ClothsWhat you will need: To make one: Free Pattern Download for this website, get it here or go to shop tab above and to free patterns to download 10" x 18" piece of 100% cotton fabric (front) 10" x 18" piece of flannel (recommended) or towelling fabric (back) Thread to match Sewing Machine Scissors Pins How to make it: Use a 1/4" seam allowance Using the Free pattern download, cut one from cotton (front), cut one from flannel or towelling (back) Place front and back right sides together and pin Sew around leaving a 2" opening in the shoulder arc for turning Remove pins as you sew Clip curves close to seam line prior to turning to the right side Use a "purple thang" or turning tool to turn to the right side and press Sew your 2" opening closed by hand with a slip stitch Top stitch all around the burp cloth approximately 1/4"-1/2" from the edge You are done, admire your efforts and make more , these are a cinch to make! I hope you enjoyed and can make use of this tutorial, they are so practical for my daughter and Eli of course.
Make some today to put away as baby gifts for the new moms in your life! Happy Wednesday! 😊
Receiving blankets are so necessary when a newborn arrives into the world because they needle to feel loved by the feeling of being swaddled in a soft and cozy blanket. A newborn has difficulty regulating and keeping body temperature so keeping them warm is essential. If you think about it, they have been in a warm, tight and cozy womb for 9 months. Being wrapped in a soft blanket must feel good!
I have made many of these as gifts for friends, coworkers, nieces, nephews--- you name it! I have had friends recently tell me that they loved my receiving blankets because they are big and some of them are double sided and reversible. They are the easiest gift to make and are so very useful.
The ones shown above are double sided, which means 2 layers of flannel.
These receiving blankets are exactly square and are larger than store bought but that is what makes them fantastic for swaddling as they are large enough for all sized babies. Good quality flannel that you can feel when you purchase it, is also often better than the packaged flannel receiving blankets. I also make them with a single layer as some babies are warm blooded like my grandson Eli. The single layered ones are also useful for the warmer months and as wind/sun shields on strollers and car seats.
What you need to make them:
Double Sided Receiving Blankets: 2 lengths of flannel ( I use 100"% cotton flannel) the same measurement as the width- i.e.. if the fabric is 42" wide, purchase 42 " in length. Make sure each side is different, as it provides more visual interest for mom and baby. Thread to match A sewing machine and straight stitch foot Scissors Single Layer Receiving Blankets: The same as above except , one layer of flannel, the same width and length and serge all the edges or zigzag and press hem at 1/2" and once again and top stitch (that's it!) How to Sew Double Sided Receiving Blankets: Cut the top fabric the exact same size as the bottom. Serge all raw edges if you own a serger or zig zag them. Place the top and bottom right sides together and pin around perimeter marking with pins a 4" gap where you will not sew and for turning to the right side. Sew 1/2" seam allowance all the way around, leaving the 4" gap open Clip corners close to stitching Turn to the right side through the 4" gap Use a turning tool or Purple Thang , shown below to make edges crisp and to point corners. My go to tool for turning items! Hand sew opening closed Press and top stitch 1/4 to 1/2" from edge. That's it you are done! ![]()
Bright Idea! Single layer receiving blankets make great "wrapping" for other baby shower gifts.
Eli loves his giraffe double sided receiving blanket! Also "doubles" as a wake time play blanket!
Have a great Wednesday!☀️
Need some affordable and easy gift ideas for upcoming baby shower or mom and baby to be? We have lots of ideas and this series will focus on some ideas shown below and more. These easy sew gift ideas focus on useful, quality, practical, affordable and sustainable gifts for baby along with some really cute fabric selections! Today I would like to talk about how to make easy, sustainable and environmentally friendly bum wipes that can also double as spit up wipes and burp cloths with very few dollars involved! I have to credit this idea to my sister-in-law Rosemary along with my niece Annette who gave me a great idea on how to use them. Flannel Bum WipesThe above wipes according to my niece and from my recent personal experience with my grandson, eliminate the need to purchase as many store boughten diaper wipes. Diaper wipes end up in a landfill and do not break down easily. These wipes work effectively to moisturize baby's bottom naturally with one to two spritz's of water and a slather of coconut oil and a soiled bottom is wiped away easily. *However, you may still want some disposable wipes for travelling, so you are not carrying around unnecessary laundry. You will need: Several 10 x 10" of Flannel Fabric (pre washed) -I made 48 for my daughter = 12 per meter (4 meters needed) A serger to serge edges or hem all edges (the serger is easy and works great) Neutral thread for Serger or sewing machine to match all fabric (cream, white or grey) A sprayer bottle-filled with water A large jar of coconut oil To make: Cut out many 10 x 10" Squares of flannel- you determine the number (12 per yard or meter) Serge all 4 edges of the squares or zigzag, turn under and top stitch. Press with an iron when they are completed It's that simple! Suggestion: Kit up the wipes in a stack with a jar of coconut oil and a spritzer bottle with clear basket wrap and place a pretty ribbon around it for a lovely gift for those environmentally, all natural moms you know. My daughter has also found them very useful spit up and burp wipes, so even if they don't get used for baby's bottom, these are very useful! Mom's will thank you for this great gift !
Happy Wednesday! 😊 |
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